Milk prices in Karachi have decreased to Rs 180 per litre in various locales, including Liaquatabad and Gulistan-e-Johar. This reduction comes after retailers significantly reduced their orders from dairy farmers due to plummeting sales due to rampant inflation. Consequently, farmers and wholesalers have begun offering milk at reduced rates, with some retailers even initiating a ‘buy one, get half a litre free’ promotion.
However, the city is on the brink of a milk crisis following recent issues with sugar and vegetables. Milk vendors across Karachi have suspended purchases in protest against the unresolved decision to increase prices, a move initially postponed in July. This comes amidst increasing tensions between vendors and dairy farm owners regarding the high procurement costs.
Last week, the Karachi Milk Retailers Welfare Association declared an indefinite halt to sales from Monday and demonstrated at the Karachi Press Club, demanding a price hike. They insisted that the current retail prices are unsustainable given the high rates charged by dairy farmers, which ranged from Rs 214 to Rs 218 per litre. The association has given the local administration a 72-hour ultimatum to decide on the pricing issue, emphasizing that a minimum margin of Rs 20 per litre is necessary for retailers.