On Monday, the Lahore High Court (LHC) issued a bailable arrest warrant for Islamabad Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. Akbar Nisar Khan, due to his non-compliance in appearing before the court in a contempt case associated with PTI President Parvez Elahi’s re-arrest. Earlier, the court had freed Elahi and prohibited any agency from arresting him. Following his re-arrest, Elahi’s spouse filed pleas in the LHC for his court presentation and initiated contempt actions against Punjab police officials for “wilful disobedience”.
Despite being directed to attend the court hearing on September 6 with Elahi personally, IGP Khan failed to appear, citing a commitment at the Supreme Court. The LHC then mandated his appearance today, but again, Khan was absent. Consequently, a bailable warrant was issued for Khan’s arrest, with a bail set at Rs 50,000, to be executed by the concerned superintendent of police. The court has scheduled the next hearing for September 18.