On Sunday, the Karachi Marathon’s second edition unfolded impressively. Israr Khattak from Karak and Anab Khan from Karachi led the men’s and women’s divisions. Starting at Nishan-e-Pakistan at Sea View, the event attracted over 4,000 participants, ranging from seasoned athletes to local running enthusiasts.
Israr Khattak highlighted the 42-kilometre race by finishing first in 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 13 seconds, securing a Rs500,000 prize. Following him, Muhammad Riaz from Bahawalpur earned second place with a time of 2 hours, 32 minutes, and 13 seconds, receiving Rs250,000.
Anab Khan dominated the women’s full marathon, completing it in 3 hours, 47 minutes, and 49 seconds, winning Rs500,000. Zeba Shah Abbasi finished second, with a time of 4 hours, 1 minute, and 13 seconds, taking Rs250,000. The half marathon showcased Muhammad Akhtar from Sahiwal winning in 1 hour, 12 minutes, and 8 seconds. Muhammad Qasim from Sialkot was close behind, finishing in 1 hour, 12 minutes, and 53 seconds, with prizes of Rs50,000 and Rs40,000, respectively.
In the women’s half marathon, Mumtaz Niamat from Gilgit took first place in 1 hour, 43 minutes, and 26 seconds. Dua Nazakat earned second place in 1 hour, 51 minutes, and 45 seconds. They both received Rs50,000 and Rs40,000 respectively.
The marathon featured various races, including a full marathon, half marathon, relay race, and a 10-kilometre fun run. The course covered DHA Phase 6, Phase 8, Do Darya, and AQ Khan Park. Over 230 athletes participated in the full marathon, with more than 600 in the half marathon. Notable figures like Ronak Lakhani, Chairperson of Special Olympics Pakistan, and other celebrities from politics, social spheres, and showbiz supported the event. Enhanced security measures ensured the event’s safety and smooth operation.