Somia Asim, accused in the teenage domestic worker Rizwana’s abuse case and wife of a judicial officer, has been taken into custody as the Islamabad District and Sessions Court dismissed her bail plea. After reviewing the case, Additional District and Sessions Judge Farrukh Fareed turned down Somia’s bail request and ordered her immediate arrest.
Arguments Presented by Both Sides
During the court session, Somia’s attorney argued that his client was falsely accused. At the same time, the prosecutor cited evidence of Rizwana’s multiple injuries and the violation of child labour laws as grounds for denying bail. The prosecutor also questioned why Somia did not report to the police if she was being blackmailed. The defense argued that the investigation was not thorough and did not include statements from all relevant parties or evidence supporting their claims. The defense also claimed that an allergic reaction caused Rizwana’s health problems, not abuse.
The Victim’s Condition and Claims
Rizwana’s lawyer provided a detailed account of her injuries and accused Somia of repeatedly inflicting violence upon her. He stated that despite some healing wounds, many were still visible. The defense’s claim that Rizwana’s health issues were due to an allergic reaction to eating mud was vehemently challenged by the prosecution. The prosecution further noted that if a woman continues to commit such crimes and gets bail, it would harm society.
Public Reactions and Ongoing Legal Proceedings
Following the court proceedings, Rizwana’s mother spoke to the media and voiced her determination to fight for justice. The victim’s mother emphasized her desire for justice over any financial settlement. Despite immense pressure, she stands firm on not withdrawing from the case. The court ordered the investigating officer to gather more evidence from both sides, including the bus stand’s video footage, with the case set to continue.