The relentless pursuit of unique video content has led to a tragic incident, claiming the life of a young influencer. Aanvi Kamdar, 27, a chartered accountant from India who also pursued a career in social media influencing, tragically died following a fall into a 300-foot ravine.
The accident occurred while Aanvi Kamdar was filming a video near Mumbai, Maharashtra, engaging her substantial online audience with her latest content.
Kamdar was well-known on social media, particularly for her travel-themed Instagram reels and vlogs. Her tragic accident took place at the Kumbhe Waterfall, a known scenic spot in Maharashtra, during a travel series she began with friends on July 16. While filming, Kamdar slipped, resulting in a fatal fall.
Emergency services responded promptly, launching a rescue operation under challenging conditions, including heavy rainfall and slippery terrain. Although Kamdar was initially rescued alive after six hours, her injuries proved fatal upon her hospital arrival.
Anuvi Kamdar’s sudden demise has deeply affected her family and left a void among her 258,000 Instagram followers, who mourn the loss of her vibrant spirit and adventurous content.