On Thursday, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) authorized Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan to meet his family, consult his lawyers, and make WhatsApp calls to his sons, Sulaiman Khan and Qasim Khan.
Khan’s lawyer, Faisal Chaudhry, sought permission for Khan to maintain contact with his family and communicate with his sons via WhatsApp.
The court instructed Adiala Jail’s authorities to ensure that Khan could meet with his family and make the requested WhatsApp calls. Additionally, the court explored the logistics of enabling meetings between Khan and his convicted wife, Bushra Bibi. The deputy superintendent of Adiala Jail confirmed that such meetings could be arranged within the jail premises.
Read: Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi Convicted in £190 Million Corruption Case
Despite a prior court order, Faisal Chaudhry highlighted that Khan had been denied these family interactions and WhatsApp communications.
During the proceedings, the court directed jail authorities to consult with the jail superintendent for further guidance and report to the court on their actions. The Islamabad High Court has postponed the hearing until January 27.