Six railway officials have been suspended in light of the Hazara Express accident. The affected families will receive financial compensation of Rs1.5 million each as per the railways’ SOPs. In a National Assembly session, the Minister for Railways and Aviation, Khawaja Saad Rafique attributed the derailment to a faulty track and clarified misconceptions about the mishap, citing damaged tracks and jammed locomotive wheels as the primary causes.
Addressing Misinformation and Future Concerns
Rafique denied circulating rumours, emphasizing international-standard Parmelia fishplates in the railway signalling system. He expressed concerns about the disinformation being spread on social media. Preliminary investigations have pinpointed a defective section of the track and malfunctioning locomotive wheels as the accident’s primary triggers. The minister thanked various authorities and locals for their immediate support post-incident. Emphasizing the need for investment in railways, Rafique lamented the delayed ML-1 project, slated for finalization in October, and dismissed any possibility of sabotage being involved in the incident.