TTP top leader and Shura memeber Omar Khalid Khorasani tweeted on the micro blogger website Twitter that Geo Tv anchor Hamid Mir had reaped what he had sown.
He tweeted:
“He earned it for his anti Islam and mujahideen rants, his patronising a propagandist girl (Malala Yousafzai), his ‘journalistic efforts’ to pave way for a military offensive against TTP, and his support for democracy in the stead of religion. Mir had only suffered divine retribution –in the form of this attack– for his sins”.
“I feel no hesitation in saying what goes around comes around. It was supposed to happen sooner or later”, said his tweet.
Khorasani added that it was not like a true Muslim to do or say such things. “Before blaming someone for a ‘reaction’ one should first look at his own actions”, said he.