The flood crisis has escalated in Bahawalnagar, where tensions rose to one individual being fatally injured during a conflict over building a floodwall. This tragic incident came against the backdrop of a vast displacement of residents. Over 162,257 individuals have been displaced due to the overflowing Sutlej River, which has consumed levees, inundated 153,231 acres of farmland, and submerged many villages.
In response, rescue operations have successfully evacuated over 10,500 villagers and saved 1,809 livestock. Officials have described the Sutlej River’s water levels in Bahawalnagar as reaching “extremely high levels”, affecting 90 villages. The initial surge of floodwaters in the Sutlej River began on August 17, following India’s release of floodwater exacerbated by heavy rainfall.
Relief Efforts Amid Challenges
The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) of Punjab mobilized quickly, setting up 178 relief camps and 95 medical camps across the impacted districts. However, not all efforts have been smooth. Several displaced families in Bahawalnagar voiced complaints about inadequate facilities at these relief centres, with some staging protests over the scarcity of essential resources. A poignant account came from Basheeran Bibi, a widow and former labourer who lost her belongings in flood and appealed for assistance, highlighting many’s dire conditions.
Despite these challenges, PDMA Director General Imran Qureshi stated that 100,000 residents had been relocated to safer locations, and emergency transportation aided over 200,000 others. Furthermore, cooked meals are being served to 70,000 affected individuals. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Punjab Relief Commissioner Nabeel Javed remain optimistic, anticipating improving conditions shortly and commending the rescue agencies for their tireless efforts. However, a report from the Pakistan Meteorological Department’s Flood Forecasting Division suggests potential rainfall in the coming days, although no high flood situation is anticipated. The PDMA assures continued relief activities until the flood issue is fully addressed.