In a tragic turn of events, a passenger bus carrying pilgrims from Sakhi Sarwar to Jacobabad suffered a severe accident in Fazilpur, Rajanpur. The mishap resulted in the immediate death of at least five passengers, while 20 others sustained various injuries.
Emergency Response and Medical Care
Upon receiving the distress call, local rescue teams swiftly arrived at the accident site. The teams worked diligently to provide immediate assistance to the survivors, transporting the deceased and the injured to a nearby medical facility for treatment.
This unfortunate incident comes just a few months after a tragedy on May 31. At that time, a passenger bus travelling from Lahore to Multan skidded off a bridge in Khanewal, causing the deaths of six people and injuring 30 others. According to rescue officials, the bus driver had lost control while avoiding colliding with a motorcycle, causing the bus to overturn.
Such recurring accidents underline the pressing need for more stringent traffic regulations and improved safety measures to protect road passengers.