Elon Musk is defending Telegram’s co-founder Pavel Durov following his arrest at a Paris airport, where French authorities accused him of permitting criminal activities on his encrypted messaging platform. Musk promptly took to X (formerly Twitter), launching the hashtag “#FreePavel” to rally support.
In addition to supporting Durov, Musk criticized Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, accusing him of succumbing to censorship demands. Musk’s critique extended to allegations that Zuckerberg allowed child exploitation on Instagram and secretly granted governments access to user data, despite Meta’s claims of complying with legal requests and ensuring encryption on Messenger and WhatsApp.
Pavel Durov, a staunch advocate for free speech and privacy, is no stranger to controversy. Having founded VKontakte and Telegram, he fled Russia in 2014 after refusing to surrender encrypted data to Russian authorities. Though Telegram was temporarily blocked in Russia in 2018, it was reinstated in 2020. Despite its privacy focus, Telegram has faced criticisms for allegedly providing a platform for illicit activities.
Durov, who is worth approximately $15.5 billion, maintains that Telegram is a neutral platform committed to user privacy. He is facing charges that could include terrorism and narcotics, and his legal battles continue to mount. He is scheduled for a court appearance on Sunday, and given the gravity of the accusations, this case promises significant developments. Meanwhile, Musk continues to engage on X, fueling discussions and controversies in the tech world.