India’s influential and affluent Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) named Devajit Saikia, the sole nominee, its new chief. The BCCI confirmed, “Devajit Saikia is duly elected as the Secretary of BCCI.”
At 55, Saikia takes over from Jay Shah, who recently assumed the role of chairman at the International Cricket Council (ICC). Following Shah’s move last month, the BCCI selected Saikia, previously the interim secretary, for the top position.
Although less known among cricket enthusiasts due to his limited playing career, Saikia has established significant connections with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). His administrative journey began in Assam’s cricket scene under Himanta Biswa Sarma, now the Chief Minister of Assam and a key BJP figure.
Saikia’s cricket career was modest, as a wicketkeeper-batsman in first-class cricket. He participated in four matches for Assam, scoring 53 runs. His political and legal roles expanded when Sarma appointed the state’s advocate general, positioning him as the government’s top legal consultant.