

Twin Istanbul bombings kill 29 after football game

Twenty-nine people, mainly police, were killed and 166 wounded in Istanbul on Saturday when twin bombings struck the heart of…

6 Min Read

Colombian President gets ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ for efforts to end decades of war

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to serving heads of state or government several times since the honour was…

4 Min Read

Indian troops martyr 94,594 Kashmiris since January 1989

Indian troops, in their unabated acts of state terrorism, have martyred 94,594 innocent Kashmiris, including 7,076 in custody, since January…

3 Min Read

Russia interfered in US election to help Trump win

A secret CIA assessment has found that Russia sought to tip last month’s US presidential election in Donald Trump’s favor,…

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US designates India as its major defence partner

Even as the Obama administration is on its way out and the newly-elected President Donald Trump gets set to take…

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S.Korea parliament introduces bill to impeach Park; vote due Friday

South Korea's parliament introduced a bill on Thursday to impeach President Park Geun-hye, setting the stage for a historic vote…

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Italy’s Renzi resigns, hints at early election

Matteo Renzi bowed out as Italian prime minister with a combination of jokes, regrets and a strong hint that he…

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Russia-Taliban ties worry Afghan, US officials

Afghan and American officials are increasingly worried that any deepening of ties between Russia and Taliban militants fighting to topple…

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Obama’s top aide voices concern over LoC tensions

US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday appreciated efforts made by Pakistan to promote peace and stability in…

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