

Parents charged after 13 siblings found starved, chained in California

The 13 California siblings who police say were starved and chained to beds by their parents rarely left their dishevelled…

3 Min Read

Fake restaurant becomes London’s top-rated eatery

A non-existent restaurant supposedly based in a garden shed briefly became London's top eating place on travel and restaurant website…

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Chinese woman undergoes plastic surgery to evade $3.7 million debt: media

 A 59-year old woman from the central Chinese city of Wuhan transformed her appearance through plastic surgery in order to…

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Saudi prince ´arrested over leaked abuse videos

A Saudi prince was arrested Thursday on King Salman´s order, a state-run broadcaster reported, as outrage grew on social media…

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I’ll have a rat with that: San Francisco’s new rodent cafe

The rodent-borne bubonic plague may seem unappetizing, but for a few San Francisco visionaries, it proved just the inspiration needed…

3 Min Read

Girlfriend convicted in US texting suicide trial

A 20-year-old US woman was convicted of involuntary manslaughter Friday for ordering her teenage boyfriend to follow through on his…

5 Min Read

Girl persuaded teen boyfriend to kill himself so she could get sympathy as ‘grieving girlfriend’

An American girl has been accused of persuading her teenage boyfriend to kill himself with a string of text messages in…

3 Min Read

French artist succeeds in ‘hatching eggs’

French artist Abraham Poincheval, who famously spent a week inside a rock and two weeks inside a bear sculpture, has…

1 Min Read

US man dies ‘peacefully’ after told Trump was impeached

A 75-year-old man died “peacefully” at his home in the US state of Oregon after his ex-wife led him to…

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