

After being beaten for NRs20, a man leaps in front of a train

A viral video shows a man emerging from the crowd and jumping before a train after being beaten for INR20.…

1 Min Read

Pentagon initiative fails to find proof of space aliens

The Pentagon’s new push to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has so far not yielded any evidence to…

4 Min Read

‘Artificial womb’ lets parents choose baby’s qualities

A biotechnologist in Germany is developing the first artificial womb facility in the world, which will allow parents to select…

6 Min Read

Poor thief, humorous video goes viral

A viral video shows a thief's botched attempt to steal cell phones worth millions. The funny occurrence happened at Phone…

0 Min Read

Robbers rooted ATM with IR 37 lakh in Delhi

Unknown thieves stole Rs 37 lakh from the State Bank of India (SBI) ATM in Delhi's Kotla Vihar. According to…

1 Min Read

‘Piano Man’ underwater stuns internet

Joe Jenkins is a YouTuber who has played piano in almost all places one could imagine. This time he plays…

1 Min Read

Study shows dinosaurs were ‘struck down in their prime’ by the asteroid

The age of dinosaurs ended in cataclysm one spring day 66 million years ago when an asteroid 7.5 miles (12…

5 Min Read

Kenya’s Maasai swap lion hunts for sports to display their prowess

In a Kenyan reserve near Africa’s highest mountain, Maasai youths on Saturday swapped traditional lion hunts for a series of…

4 Min Read

Indian ATMs dispense gold coins.

From the outside, it looks just like a regular cash dispenser, but this is India's first-ever "gold ATM," delivering gold…

2 Min Read