Azad Jammu Kashmir

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Azad Jammu Kashmir

10 years on: Still searching for Pakistan’s earthquake missing

It was this morning the Pakistan earthquake struck ten years ago, Nazish Naz had been reluctant to go to school,…

5 Min Read

India’s apex court suspends beef ban in Kashmir for 2 months

The Indian Supreme Court suspended earlier today an order from Jammu and Kashmir high court banning the sale of beef…

2 Min Read

Indian firing continues unabated across the LoC

Indian forces continued unprovoked firing and shelling across Line of Control in Kotli area of Azad Kashmir earlier today. A…

1 Min Read

Kashmiri students chant pro-Pakistan slogans in Srinagar IOK

Clashes broke out in Indian Occupied Kashmir earlier today when Kashmiri students chanted pro-Pakistan and pro-freedom slogans at the venue…

1 Min Read

Gulpur power project aquires $320m financing

The government, sponsors and lenders have signed a direct implementation agreement for providing financing of $320 million for the 102-megawatt…

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Kashmiri leader praises Pakistan’s stance

Aplauding the principled stand taken by Pakistan on national security advisers’ talks with India, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC)…

3 Min Read

3 top Kashmiri leaders join Hurriyat forum in IOK

 In what is being described as a major development, three senior Kashmiri leaders earlier today joined a new coalition forum…

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Pakistan outsources Muzaffarabad city reconstruction to 5 countries

Pakistan has outsourced the reconstruction and development of Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, to five countries, including…

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Veteran Kashmiri leader Geelani writes ‘secret’ letter to PM Sharif

Senior Hurriyat Conference leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani has written a `secret’ letter to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, local reports…

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