An Islamabad district and sessions court remanded journalist Asad Toor to the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for three days on Sunday concerning accusations of his role in a defamatory online campaign against Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa.
The FIA sought a nine-day custody of Toor, which his defense contested. Duty Magistrate Abbas Shah, after deliberation, sided with the FIA, limiting custody to three days.
Toor, asserting journalistic integrity, refused to disclose his sources or surrender his phone, even amidst a hunger strike since February 27.
A fellow journalist persuaded Toor to cease his hunger strike, which was initiated upon his February 27 detention by the FIA. His health declined after 36 hours without food, leading to FIA’s summoning of medical assistance.
Toor’s attorney, Imaan Mazari, highlighted the undue pressure on Toor to expose his sources and social media credentials, noting the investigation’s deviation from allegations of contempt.
Previously, on February 27, Judicial Magistrate Muhammad Shabbir had approved a five-day FIA custody, with a follow-up appearance scheduled for March 3, 2024.
The FIR accuses Toor of instigating anti-judiciary and anti-state sentiments via social media, leading to charges under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2016.