Ali Hyderabadi, a prominent TikToker known for his unique style and engaging content, and his wife Zainab have been thrust into the spotlight following the unexpected ban of his TikTok account, which boasted over 20 million followers.
A recent video capturing the couple’s emotional reaction to the ban has gone viral. It shows an intensely distraught Zainab pleading with fans to support the reinstatement of Ali’s account by sharing the video with the hashtag “#UnbanAccount.”
In her appeal, Zainab expressed TikTok’s significant impact on their lives, stating that the platform “meant everything to them.” The video has sparked a wave of sympathy and support from their followers and speculation from others who suggest that their public display of distress might be a strategy to garner attention for their new TikTok account, which has already attracted nearly 50,000 followers.
Social media users have expressed mixed reactions to the incident. Fayaz Shah commented on the situation, saying those responsible for banning the account deserve success in life and beyond, emphasizing the strong emotions of the event.
Meanwhile, Wajahat Sami voiced concerns about the younger generation’s deep attachment to social media platforms like TikTok and suggested other viable ways to earn a living. He also offered prayers for Ali and Zainab, hoping for relief from their current struggles.