If you missed the blood moon earlier this year, another total lunar eclipse is returning to the sky this evening.
The eclipse is the second in a rare series known as the tetrad, in which the moon is completely covered by the Earth’s umbral shadow for four eclipses in a row, as opposed to only partial eclipses that fall in the outer penumbra.
A rare type of lunar eclipse by the name of “Blood Moon” will take place on Wednesday across the world.
The total lunar eclipse will be visible at 08:00 P.M. (GMT) and will complete at 10:25 P.M (GMT). Astrology experts have stated that the phenomenon will not be witnessed in Pakistan.
The colour of the moon will turn red during the eclipse that is why the phenomenon has been given the name of “Blood Moon”.
The sight will be witnessed in South America, Australia alongwith Central and Eastern parts of Asia.